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- First time user: Enter your official/organizational/personal email address.
- Existing user: Enter your email address which is registered with us.
Audio and Video Files
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Date, Time
Select a Plan
Date, Time
Additional Details
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?Value Added Services
?Translation is not available because you have selected a high speed plan. Please select a different plan if you wish to choose translation.
Speaker Identification
?Delivery Format
*Type of Transcription
*Reference Information
Any other instructions
Based on your instructions, your fee and delivery timeline may change. We will get in touch with you to communicate these.
Payment Details
Payment instructions
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We provide post payment options to our clients. Please provide additional details to meet the post payment criterias.

Please contact Voxtab at request@voxtab.com to discuss your requirements or upload your audio files/ URL link to place an order.
Your recent work will be lost.